Drug Addiction
Drug Rehab Centers for the Deaf and Blind
Sensory disabilities, such as blindness and deafness, can be frustrating and challenging to manage in a sight- and sound-focused world. This challenge becomes even greater if the individual with the disability has a substance abuse problem.
Drug Addiction
National Directory
Learn where to find these alcohol and drug prevention and treatment services…
- Staff trained in American Sign Language and Deaf culture
- Closed caption equipment, TTYs, and Deaf- appropriate videos and printed program materials
- Multilingual staff
- Interpreters for mainstreamed sessions
- Twelve Step programs accessible to the deaf
- National clearinghouses for materials to use with deaf clients
Drug Addiction
Signs of Sobriety, Inc
Signs of Sobriety, Inc. (SOS), located in Ewing, New Jersey, has been providing support for substance abuse recovery services to New Jersey’s deaf and hard of hearing residents since 1987
Drug Addiction
Addiction Recovery: Christina’s Story
What’s the difference between a street drug like heroin and a prescription pill like oxycodone? Watch Christina give a rundown, while also sharing her own path to sobriety after 17 years of drug addiction.