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5 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Heart Attack Prevention

5 Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

When you have a heart attack, part of your heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked, preventing the heart from getting the oxygen-rich blood it needs to function. Timely treatment is critical. Without it, the blocked heart muscle is at risk for permanent damage the longer blood flow remains cut off.

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What You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack

Heart Attack Prevention

What You Can Do to Prevent a Heart Attack

Eat to be your best. Add plenty of fruits and veggies, grains, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like fresh tuna or herring to your diet. Cut down on salt, saturated fats, sweets, and red meats. Avoid trans fats and food with “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” ingredients. Variety in your diet is a good way to get all the nutrients you need.

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DS-9493 CardiacArrestVSHeartAttack

Heart Attack Prevention

Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

How to Stop a Heart Attack

Heart Attack Prevention

How to Stop a Heart Attack

Many people worry about experiencing a heart attack in their lifetime, and with good reason: it’s estimated that an American has a heart attack every 40 secondsTrusted Source.

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