EMA Released Ready Campaign’s 2020 Preparedness Calendar

Last month, FEMA released the Ready Campaign’s 2020 Preparedness Calendar. As a critical component of FEMA’s commitment to building a culture of preparedness, this calendar identifies monthly preparedness activities and associated educational materials and toolkits; promotes the resources necessary for stakeholders to customize emergency preparedness campaigns and messaging to raise awareness; and provides tips for emergency preparedness.

As Ready partners play a critical role in increasing awareness by spreading the word about emergency preparedness, please download and share the calendar in English and in Spanish.

Website: https://www.ready.gov/calendar

Robert L. Ferguson
Portfolio Disability Integration Specialist
Department of Homeland Security
Mobile: (202) 374-1992 (Text Only)
Office: (202) 389-6868 V/VP
Email: Robert.Ferguson@fema.dhs.gov