I hope this communication finds you and your families safe. Once again, please practice social distancing and healthy hygiene. COVID-19 spreads very quickly, so please be careful.
I encourage each of you to regularly check our “COVID-19 Information Center” webpage at: www.msd.edu/covid-19/
“Learning Resources” was added to this webpage, so your children can access online learning materials. They will not be collected or graded, but are for your children to keep up with their studies.
MSD is working with the Maryland State Department of Education regarding standards for distance learning, if the school closure becomes prolonged. Again, I will keep you posted regarding the status of MSD classes after March 27, 2020, and the status of distance learning.
We have also added “MSD’s COVID-19 Response Plan” to our COVID-19 Information Center webpage. This serves as a guide for MSD as we all go through this crisis together. Our housekeeping staff will have completed the deep cleaning in all buildings at the Frederick and Columbia Campuses by Friday, March 20th. Please do not enter the buildings until your supervisors or I communicate with you that it is permissible to do so. As always,
I will keep everyone posted when MSD learns of new developments from Governor Larry Hogan and the Maryland State Department of Education as well as information from local, state, and federal agencies.
The ASL version of this letter is found at the following link: https://youtu.be/cCkG3jUvVr4 I
f you have questions, please email me at james.tucker@msd.edu, Frederick Campus Principal Kevin Strachan at kevin.strachan@msd.edu, Frederick Campus Dean of Student Affairs Jenn Ortiz at jennifer.ortiz@msd.edu, or Columbia Campus Principal Dawniela Patterson at dawniela.patterson@msd.edu.
Be careful and be safe.
Sincerely, James E. Tucker Superintendent