Please join us for a virtual panel:
APART + CONNECTED: NYC Deaf Life During the Pandemic
Tuesday, May 12
1-2 p.m. ET

Roxanna Aguilo
Carlos Aponte-Salcedo Jr.
Patrice Creamer
Marina Fanshteyn
Alexandria Pucciarelli-Miller

Brianna DiGiovanni

ZOOM Link:

This panel is hosted by the Drs. John S. & Betty J. Schuchman Deaf Documentary Center at Gallaudet University.  Panelists will use American Sign Language (ASL).  ASL to spoken English interpreting and real-time captioning provided.

Captioned Video Announcement:
Video Description:

The video message by Brianna DiGiovanni, a Gallaudet student, is in American Sign Language.  Standing in front of a white wall, wearing a taupe jacket, black shirt and hoop earrings, she is white, with shoulder-length brown hair.
Captioned Text:  “Right now, we are witnessing history.  Every day we see stories of survival, courage, and care.  The whole world has been impacted by the covid-19 virus. How is this pandemic specifically impacting the Deaf people in New York City?   How are Deaf NYers adapting, transforming, and sustaining community?  On Tuesday, May 12 from 1:00 – 2:00 eastern time, a panel of five Deaf New Yorkers will share experiences related to the pandemic.  Follow the link in this message to watch and join the discussion.  Thank you.”
A flyer is attached.  Please share!
Flyer description: The 8 1/2″ x 11″ flyer has a yellow background with an image of the NYC skyline with a bridge on the bottom.  On the upper right corner are 2 hands signing a “Y” shape on the palm, the sign for NY.  The “N”, “Y”, and “C” of NYC and the “U” and “S” of “Join US” are in colorful circles that resemble subway signs. Text includes information above plus sponsor logos for The National Endowment for the Humanities (Grant # ZH-252962-17) and ZVRS/Purple, and a list of additional sponsors: The Gary S. and Margaret D. Anderson Family Foundation, Kantor Foundation, Hebrew Association of the Deaf, Union League of the Deaf, and numerous individuals.